Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Digital Citizenship

Teaching our students, children ultimately ourselves to be good digitial citizens is a huge responsibility. In an article "Citizenship in a Digital Age" by Stephen Balkam, Founder and CEO of Family Online Safety Institute, he explains that educators and parents need to be modeling good digital citizenship to our students and children because if we don't they are going to find their role models in other ways.  Balkam continued to say that when we start putting restrictions on the access that people have rather than educate how to use the information appropriately the enforcers are looked upon like they don't understand the technology or we are frightened of it. He does say that we do need to protect from the dangers of that are out there but we can do that by education and using the many filters/services out there to  ensure  that our students are  safe but not restricted. 


  1. Jordan, Right On! I agree that education is the place to teach digital etiquette, but the family is the tree from which the fruit grows! Parents must be involved to teach valuable lessons about politeness. It is imperative that children learn that their digital profiles are people, too. Respect is the basis for all effective communication, and it builds collaboration. Well done.

  2. Jordan, I agree, it is our responsibility as adults/educators to educate students on the appropriate use of technology. We must also teach students how to interact properly with peers digitally and educate them about the dangers lurking in the digital world. Lastly, and maybe most importantly, we must provide students with the opportunity to use the information we have provided them.

  3. Jordan, it sounds like the article you read had the same thoughts and views as the one Stephanie referenced. I too agree that digital citizenship needs needs to be a joint effort between school and home. As I mentioned on Stephanie's blog, I often feel that parents don't know how to talk to or educate their kids about digital citizenship, so that becomes to the schools job to share information with parents to help them with those conversations and to help the teaching/learning process to be something that can happen both at home and at school! Thanks for sharing this great article!

  4. Jordan - Thanks for sharing Stephen Balkam's article on the basics of citizenship in the digital age. I couldn't agree more than it is a gigantic responsibility to teach students to become digital citizens through a balanced approach of good modeling by educators and parents and access to information and sites with a constant mindfulness of safety. Chris
